How Long Does Dental Botox Last?


Botox is the nickname for the botulinum toxin, a purified version of the protein found in expired foods like canned tomatoes. When its purified version is injected into the facial muscles, it will temporarily smooth out wrinkles by paralyzing the muscles. It can be used by your dentist for cosmetic purposes and to treat dental conditions like TMJ disorder, migraine headaches, or adjusting to braces or dentures.

On average, Botox lasts between 3 and 6 months, however, it is not a one-size-fits-all treatment and how long it lasts depends on these factors:

What it is being used to treat.

How long Botox lasts depends on what is being treated.  For a patient recovering from jaw surgery, a dentist may use a larger dose to provide pain relief. On the other hand, when Botox is being used to smooth out wrinkles, a dentist may use a smaller dose. The higher the dose, the longer it will last.

Whether it is being used as a one-time treatment or continuous treatment.

Botox can be used as a one-time treatment for certain issues, like for getting used to braces. Someone with chronic migraines can have regularly scheduled Botox treatments every 4 to 6 months to treat their migraines. The effects of the first treatment will last the shortest, then they will last slightly longer after a few treatments. With continuous treatments for an extended period, the patient may build up a tolerance and the duration of the effects will be shorter.

Do you want to learn more about dental Botox? Contact Cascade Dental Care to schedule an appointment!

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